The Rental Market is Growing and So Should Your Business!

Single-family rentals — either detached homes or townhomes — are developing faster than any other portion of the housing market. These rentals outpace both single-family home purchases and apartment-style living, according to the Urban Institute. “Almost all the housing demand in recent years has been filled by rental units,” says Sara Strochak, a research assistant with…

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Orlando Conference 2017

Orlando Conference 2017 When we teach a workshop on any topic we like to provide materials to help students implement some of the ideas shared in the class. This page was specially created for the students that attend our Orlando Conference workshop. We will provided the things we discuss in class along with some training videos…

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Tampa Conference 2017

Tampa Conference 2017 When we teach a workshop on any topic we like to provide materials to help students implement some of the ideas shared in the class. This page was specially created for the students that attended our Tampa Conference workshop. We will provided the things we discuss in class along with some training videos…

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New Credit Reporting Rules Affects All Property Managers

Millions of consumers will wake up to a higher credit score this month, (as much as a 10 to 40 points improvement) through no fault of their own. Beginning in July, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion will no longer report public records on most civil judgments, such as evictions, money owed because of a lawsuit as…

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