CYA from Owners Package # 1
Buy Package #1: New Owner Sign-Up Housekeeping Documents (attach to all PMAs) which includes documents 1-9. The price for buying each document individually would total $150.00 or you can purchase the complete package for $125.00 (Subscribers get another 20% off all Document Packages). We spent thousands of dollars developing these documents. You can have them for pennies on the dollar.
1. Owner’s Homeowner Association Disclosure; 2. Mold / Mildew / Moisture Disclosure; 3. Establishing & Maintaining the Trust Account; 4. Personal Property Disclosure; 5. Owner’s Mortgage Disclosure; 6. W-9 Form; 7. Lead Paint and Flood Disclosure; 8. Authorization to Add Agent (property manager) as an Additional Insured.; 9. Personal Property Feature Disclaimer
CYA Documents
Protect Yourself From Owners
"The longer you’re in property management the more you realize that it’s sticky, often hostile, sometimes even litigious. Over 35 years I’ve been burned many times by owners, tenants, vendors, staff and third parties and after the second or third time (I’m a slow learner) I would go back to the attorney and have her draft a document that prevents it from ever happening again. Blaming property managers has reached an all-time high and isn’t going away anytime soon. So, understanding this reality, smart managers need to spend extra time, money and effort building/crafting documents designed to protect themselves, even from the folks they are trying to serve. We’ve pulled these documents from our archives and have listed them here for your review and downloading individually (or in packages by topic). We’ve laid this material out in the [popup_trigger id="3712"]Property Management Life Cycle[/popup_trigger] categories for purposes of giving the discussion some order.
Protecting yourself from Owners is what these documents are all about.