Body Armor Series

Body Armor Series for Property Managers

Robert and Monica outline the strategies to operate safely in the highly litigious business of property management. This fast pace workshop was debuted at the Broker/Owner conference in Vegas in 2019 and got raving reviews.

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Built to Grow

Built to Grow scale your property management company

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. So, how do you build systems today to grow twice in size without growing pains?

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Things You Never Put in Management Agreements

Things You Never Put in Your Agreements Training Property Managers Online Class

This series of videos will open your eyes to all the crazy things most lawyers and state associations add to their management agreements that defeat scalability and profitability. You’ll be amazed at the material and it will make you more interested in developing your own customized agreement.

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Myth Series

Dismantling the Myths of Property Management by Training Property Managers Robert Locke Crown

There are lots of things property managers THINK ARE TRUE, but when examined carefully, are really MYTHS. We send via email a weekly training video which Dismantles The Myths Of Property Management.

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