Myth # 39 If it appears a property is going into foreclosure, I can lock up the owner’s trust account. Right?
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Our Property Visit Story
How to make property visits a new source of revenue
View Our Expanding Line of Products
This is the part of our site where all the products, resources, videos, forms, manuals, handbooks, customized management agreements and leases, money-making ideas, CYA protections, checklists, service animal/comfort pet training and all you’ll ever need to run a safe and profitable management business. This is the “Mother Load”.
It will take us six to twelve months to get it all posted, and we’ll keep posting more as time goes on, but there will be more than you can digest before the end of the year. I’ve been digging through our 35 years of document archives and there’s more than I thought.
If you register we’ll send you notices as we post things so you’ll know what’s there and where to look for it.
Myth # 22 If I follow my client’s directive (follow agency law) I am not liable for their bad decisions. RIGHT?
Question: Under what conditions can I be held liable for following the owner’s bad decisions?
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We will send a courtesy email to let you know when new myths are posted. Thanks for being a valued client.
How to Keep Owners from Handling Maintenance
View Our Expanding Line of Products
This is the part of our site where all the products, resources, videos, forms, manuals, handbooks, customized management agreements and leases, money-making ideas, CYA protections, checklists, service animal/comfort pet training and all you’ll ever need to run a safe and profitable management business. This is the “Mother Load”.
It will take us six to twelve months to get it all posted, and we’ll keep posting more as time goes on, but there will be more than you can digest before the end of the year. I’ve been digging through our 35 years of document archives and there’s more than I thought.
If you register we’ll send you notices as we post things so you’ll know what’s there and where to look for it.
Onboarding Video 1
How to accelerate new owners into your company
A Video Series which expands the presentation by
Robert Locke MPM at the PM Grow Summit 2019
For most property managers the onboarding process is haphazard, by the seat-of-the-pants and thrown together without much forethought. New managers (and veterans alike) have so many things to figure out that a great onboarding process gets pushed to the back of the to-do list to “someday we’ll figure it out” and, in the meantime, they miss out on lots of new owners. This onboarding process needs to be a high priority because we all lose owners every month and need to grow our numbers. The question is, “what does a great onboarding process look like and how can I get there quickly?”
One of the things we did really well at Crown was bring new owners onboard. During our last 8 years in business we signed up 16 to 25 new owners a month and had a well oiled process to make this happen. We’ve put together a complete package of onboarding documents, processes and training (plus a full library of training videos) to help managers build this all important segment of their business. This video series is part of that package.
View Our Expanding Line of Products
This is the part of our site where all the products, resources, videos, forms, manuals, handbooks, customized management agreements and leases, money-making ideas, CYA protections, checklists, service animal/comfort pet training and all you’ll ever need to run a safe and profitable management business. This is the “Mother Load”.
It will take us six to twelve months to get it all posted, and we’ll keep posting more as time goes on, but there will be more than you can digest before the end of the year. I’ve been digging through our 35 years of document archives and there’s more than I thought.
If you register we’ll send you notices as we post things so you’ll know what’s there and where to look for it.
Onboarding Video Promo
How to accelerate new owners into your company
For most property managers the onboarding process is haphazard, by the seat-of-the-pants and thrown together without much forethought. New managers (and veterans alike) have so many things to figure out that a great onboarding process gets pushed to the back of the to-do list to “someday we’ll figure it out” and, in the meantime, they miss out on lots of new owners. This onboarding process needs to be a high priority because we all lose owners every month and need to grow our numbers. The question is, “what does a great onboarding process look like and how can I get there quickly?”
One of the things we did really well at Crown was bring new owners onboard. During our last 8 years in business we signed up 16 to 25 new owners a month and had a well oiled process to make this happen. We’ve put together a complete package of onboarding documents, processes and training (plus a full library of training videos) to help managers build this all important segment of their business. This video series is part of that package.
FREE Onboarding Subscription
Onboarding Video Series Details
How to accelerate new owners into your company
A Video Series which expands the presentation by
Robert Locke MPM at the PM Grow Summit 2019
For most property managers the onboarding process is haphazard, by the seat-of-the-pants and thrown together without much forethought. New managers (and veterans alike) have so many things to figure out that a great onboarding process gets pushed to the back of the to-do list to “someday we’ll figure it out” and, in the meantime, they miss out on lots of new owners. This onboarding process needs to be a high priority because we all lose owners every month and need to grow our numbers. The question is, “what does a great onboarding process look like and how can I get there quickly?”
One of the things we did really well at Crown was bring new owners onboard. During our last 8 years in business we signed up 16 to 25 new owners a month and had a well oiled process to make this happen. We’ve put together a complete package of onboarding documents, processes and training (plus a full library of training videos) to help managers build this all important segment of their business. This video series is part of that package.
FREE Onboarding Subscription
View Our Expanding Line of Products
This is the part of our site where all the products, resources, videos, forms, manuals, handbooks, customized management agreements and leases, money-making ideas, CYA protections, checklists, service animal/comfort pet training and all you’ll ever need to run a safe and profitable management business. This is the “Mother Load”.
It will take us six to twelve months to get it all posted, and we’ll keep posting more as time goes on, but there will be more than you can digest before the end of the year. I’ve been digging through our 35 years of document archives and there’s more than I thought.
If you register we’ll send you notices as we post things so you’ll know what’s there and where to look for it.
Body Armor Lesson # 3
How to limit the legal vulnerability of your company
FREE Body Armor Subscription
Robert and Monica outline the strategies to operate safely in the highly litigious business of property management. This fast pace workshop was debuted at the Broker/Owner conference in Vegas in 2019 and got raving reviews. We laid out the two ways you can do property management without getting sued. We laid out how one manager plays the small “a” agency role and plays it safe, while the other plays the Big “A” role and also does it safely. Each is safe but one is scalable and profitable and the other isn’t. We address the language you need in your PMA to protect yourself and the special documents that give you the Body Armor you need to prevent litigation.
This series is The Full Version of that 50 minute breakout session. In this series we’ll send you several months of weekly (6 to 10 minute) videos that details the language and documents that you need to operate safely in this business and be both scalable and profitable.
Body Armor Lesson # 2
How to limit the legal vulnerability of your company
FREE Body Armor Subscription
Robert and Monica outline the strategies to operate safely in the highly litigious business of property management. This fast pace workshop was debuted at the Broker/Owner conference in Vegas in 2019 and got raving reviews. We laid out the two ways you can do property management without getting sued. We laid out how one manager plays the small “a” agency role and plays it safe, while the other plays the Big “A” role and also does it safely. Each is safe but one is scalable and profitable and the other isn’t. We address the language you need in your PMA to protect yourself and the special documents that give you the Body Armor you need to prevent litigation.
This series is The Full Version of that 50 minute breakout session. In this series we’ll send you several months of weekly (6 to 10 minute) videos that details the language and documents that you need to operate safely in this business and be both scalable and profitable.
Video Lesson # 2
Things You Never Put in Management Agreements
Your Guide of what NOT to put in your agreements
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This workshop will open your eyes as to things most lawyers and state associations add to their management agreements that defeat scalability and profitability. You’ll be amazed at the material and it will make you more interested in developing your own customized agreement.