Prepare For Economic Downturn With Resident Credit Reporting

Prepare For Economic Downturn With Resident Credit Reporting

The spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) is on all our minds and in the news. While the first priority is the health of our communities, it is evident the health of our economy is also of great concern. The federal government is stepping in to assist homeowners, but renters are being left out in the cold:…

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Built to Grow Lesson # 15

Built to Grow Lesson # 15

How to structure your business to grow without crashing.

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. What works at 50 MPH doesn’t work at 100 MPH. How you manage 300 houses doesn’t work at 500 houses. Just because it’s working today, doesn’t mean it will work if you grow. So, how does a manager evaluate their systems and processes in anticipation of doubling their number of houses? Join us in this workshop and we’ll show you. This workshop addresses the issues of streamlining your agreements and systems so you can add another 200 properties without the wheels coming off. Being scalable is relevant to everyone no matter what size they are today.

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Built to Grow Lesson # 14

Built to Grow Lesson # 14

How to structure your business to grow without crashing.

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. What works at 50 MPH doesn’t work at 100 MPH. How you manage 300 houses doesn’t work at 500 houses. Just because it’s working today, doesn’t mean it will work if you grow. So, how does a manager evaluate their systems and processes in anticipation of doubling their number of houses? Join us in this workshop and we’ll show you. This workshop addresses the issues of streamlining your agreements and systems so you can add another 200 properties without the wheels coming off. Being scalable is relevant to everyone no matter what size they are today.

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Built to Grow Lesson # 13

Built to Grow Lesson # 13

How to structure your business to grow without crashing.

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. What works at 50 MPH doesn’t work at 100 MPH. How you manage 300 houses doesn’t work at 500 houses. Just because it’s working today, doesn’t mean it will work if you grow. So, how does a manager evaluate their systems and processes in anticipation of doubling their number of houses? Join us in this workshop and we’ll show you. This workshop addresses the issues of streamlining your agreements and systems so you can add another 200 properties without the wheels coming off. Being scalable is relevant to everyone no matter what size they are today.

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Built to Grow Lesson # 12

Built to Grow Lesson # 12

How to structure your business to grow without crashing.

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. What works at 50 MPH doesn’t work at 100 MPH. How you manage 300 houses doesn’t work at 500 houses. Just because it’s working today, doesn’t mean it will work if you grow. So, how does a manager evaluate their systems and processes in anticipation of doubling their number of houses? Join us in this workshop and we’ll show you. This workshop addresses the issues of streamlining your agreements and systems so you can add another 200 properties without the wheels coming off. Being scalable is relevant to everyone no matter what size they are today.

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Built to Grow Lesson # 11

Built to Grow Lesson # 11

How to structure your business to grow without crashing.

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. What works at 50 MPH doesn’t work at 100 MPH. How you manage 300 houses doesn’t work at 500 houses. Just because it’s working today, doesn’t mean it will work if you grow. So, how does a manager evaluate their systems and processes in anticipation of doubling their number of houses? Join us in this workshop and we’ll show you. This workshop addresses the issues of streamlining your agreements and systems so you can add another 200 properties without the wheels coming off. Being scalable is relevant to everyone no matter what size they are today.

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Built to Grow Lesson # 10

Built to Grow Lesson # 10

How to structure your business to grow without crashing.

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. What works at 50 MPH doesn’t work at 100 MPH. How you manage 300 houses doesn’t work at 500 houses. Just because it’s working today, doesn’t mean it will work if you grow. So, how does a manager evaluate their systems and processes in anticipation of doubling their number of houses? Join us in this workshop and we’ll show you. This workshop addresses the issues of streamlining your agreements and systems so you can add another 200 properties without the wheels coming off. Being scalable is relevant to everyone no matter what size they are today.

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Built to Grow Lesson # 9

Built to Grow Lesson # 9

How to structure your business to grow without crashing.

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. What works at 50 MPH doesn’t work at 100 MPH. How you manage 300 houses doesn’t work at 500 houses. Just because it’s working today, doesn’t mean it will work if you grow. So, how does a manager evaluate their systems and processes in anticipation of doubling their number of houses? Join us in this workshop and we’ll show you. This workshop addresses the issues of streamlining your agreements and systems so you can add another 200 properties without the wheels coming off. Being scalable is relevant to everyone no matter what size they are today.

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Built to Grow Lesson # 8

Built to Grow Lesson # 8

How to structure your business to grow without crashing.

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. What works at 50 MPH doesn’t work at 100 MPH. How you manage 300 houses doesn’t work at 500 houses. Just because it’s working today, doesn’t mean it will work if you grow. So, how does a manager evaluate their systems and processes in anticipation of doubling their number of houses? Join us in this workshop and we’ll show you. This workshop addresses the issues of streamlining your agreements and systems so you can add another 200 properties without the wheels coming off. Being scalable is relevant to everyone no matter what size they are today.

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Built to Grow Lesson # 7

Built to Grow Lesson # 7

How to structure your business to grow without crashing.

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. What works at 50 MPH doesn’t work at 100 MPH. How you manage 300 houses doesn’t work at 500 houses. Just because it’s working today, doesn’t mean it will work if you grow. So, how does a manager evaluate their systems and processes in anticipation of doubling their number of houses? Join us in this workshop and we’ll show you. This workshop addresses the issues of streamlining your agreements and systems so you can add another 200 properties without the wheels coming off. Being scalable is relevant to everyone no matter what size they are today.

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Built to Grow Lesson # 6

Built to Grow Lesson # 6

How to structure your business to grow without crashing.

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. What works at 50 MPH doesn’t work at 100 MPH. How you manage 300 houses doesn’t work at 500 houses. Just because it’s working today, doesn’t mean it will work if you grow. So, how does a manager evaluate their systems and processes in anticipation of doubling their number of houses? Join us in this workshop and we’ll show you. This workshop addresses the issues of streamlining your agreements and systems so you can add another 200 properties without the wheels coming off. Being scalable is relevant to everyone no matter what size they are today.

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Built to Grow Lesson # 5

Built to Grow Lesson # 5

How to structure your business to grow without crashing.

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. What works at 50 MPH doesn’t work at 100 MPH. How you manage 300 houses doesn’t work at 500 houses. Just because it’s working today, doesn’t mean it will work if you grow. So, how does a manager evaluate their systems and processes in anticipation of doubling their number of houses? Join us in this workshop and we’ll show you. This workshop addresses the issues of streamlining your agreements and systems so you can add another 200 properties without the wheels coming off. Being scalable is relevant to everyone no matter what size they are today.

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Built to Grow Lesson # 4

Built to Grow Lesson # 4

How to structure your business to grow without crashing.

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. What works at 50 MPH doesn’t work at 100 MPH. How you manage 300 houses doesn’t work at 500 houses. Just because it’s working today, doesn’t mean it will work if you grow. So, how does a manager evaluate their systems and processes in anticipation of doubling their number of houses? Join us in this workshop and we’ll show you. This workshop addresses the issues of streamlining your agreements and systems so you can add another 200 properties without the wheels coming off. Being scalable is relevant to everyone no matter what size they are today.

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Built to Grow Lesson # 3

Built to Grow Lesson # 3

How to structure your business to grow without crashing.

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. What works at 50 MPH doesn’t work at 100 MPH. How you manage 300 houses doesn’t work at 500 houses. Just because it’s working today, doesn’t mean it will work if you grow. So, how does a manager evaluate their systems and processes in anticipation of doubling their number of houses? Join us in this workshop and we’ll show you. This workshop addresses the issues of streamlining your agreements and systems so you can add another 200 properties without the wheels coming off. Being scalable is relevant to everyone no matter what size they are today.

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Built to Grow Lesson # 2

Built to Grow Lesson # 2

How to structure your business to grow without crashing.

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. What works at 50 MPH doesn’t work at 100 MPH. How you manage 300 houses doesn’t work at 500 houses. Just because it’s working today, doesn’t mean it will work if you grow. So, how does a manager evaluate their systems and processes in anticipation of doubling their number of houses? Join us in this workshop and we’ll show you. This workshop addresses the issues of streamlining your agreements and systems so you can add another 200 properties without the wheels coming off. Being scalable is relevant to everyone no matter what size they are today.

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Myth Newsletter 3

Guests receive Free Myth Series videos for seven weeks. Each one details either a trade secret, tested management system, tools for making more money or tricks for running your business. We give away our first seven in an attempt to entice you to become a $7/month paying subscriber for this weekly series. If you’re already…

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Workshops with Robert Locke RMP, MPM

Upcoming Property Management Workshops With Robert Locke RMP, MPM and Attorney Monica Gilroy (Monica will be involved in some classes but not all) May 17th 9:00-4:00 Tenancy This is a comprehensive look at the Tenant Cycle that all property management companies experience in their businesses. From Procurement through Move out, this is an immersive examination…

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Turn Your Nickel and Dime Business into a Money Machine

View Our Expanding Line of Products This is the part of our site where all the products, resources, videos, forms, manuals, handbooks, customized management agreements and leases, money-making ideas, CYA protections, checklists, service animal/comfort pet training and all you’ll ever need to run a safe and profitable management business. This is the “Mother Load”. It will take us…

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Prepare to Adjust Rents Up in 2018

There is still plenty of snow blanketing a wide swath of the nation’s neighborhoods, but the spring housing market is just around the corner. This year, it will be more competitive than ever, with the supply of homes for sale at record lows and rising mortgage rates threatening to make the situation even worse. President’s…

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NARPM Managing Pet Risk January 18th 11:30-1:15 Roswell, GA with John Bradford

This presentation offers insight into the business risks associated with household pets as well as service/companion animals. The presentation covers federal guidelines from HUD, ADA, HIPAA and more.
Some of the questions that will be answered are: What are the risks with renting to tenants with pets? How can you mitigate pet risk(s)? What is a service animal (ADA)? What is an assistance animal HUD)? What are the different types of assistance animals? How do you know fact from fiction with assistance animal applications? Are you violating HIPPA and don’t even know it? How can I drive more bottom-line revenue with pets?

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On Average, Renting and Reinvesting Wins in Terms of Wealth Creation

Homeownership doesn’t build wealth, study finds Households are better off taking control of their finances than relying on fluctuating home values. The homeownership rate is still hovering near its record low, yet demand has been steadily rising. Nationwide, since the recession, there have been two distinct housing markets. The question of rent versus buy has…

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