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7 Ways to Connect with our Website
1. Guests can come and go as they want. 15% - 20% of our site is available to everyone. You don’t give us your name, email or any information; just cruise around and view at your leisure.
2. Register and get more. Give your name and email and gain another 15% - 20% of the site resulting in access to 30% - 40% of the site. You can watch videos, download documents and receive regular newsletters with great information and money-making tips for managers. Click to Register.
3. Become a Subscriber . . . another 35% - 40% of the site opens up. For a small monthly charge you’ll have access to 70% - 80% of the site including 100 videos, hundreds of downloads, tons of material to harvest, and we’ll keep uploading more each week. Subscribers get 20% off all document packages on the site. Click to Subscribe.
Note: On any of these programs you can quit any time. We’re not trying to handcuff you to us, but entice you to stay driving us to always make you feel you’re getting your money's worth.
The last 20% of the site is dedicated to large video workshops and individual document packages for sale such as the Crown property management agreement, lease and “Housekeeping Documents” that are used by dozens of managers as well as our foreclosure package, Qualifying Guidelines, Service Animal and Comfort Pet package, managing homeowner associations, home warranties and CYA document package; just to mention a few. Some managers don’t need them while others are in dire need. Also Subscribers get 20% off all document and video packages.
4. Consulting is when the owner/broker is convinced that we can supercharge their business and hire us for specific tasks, an identified time, and a set fee. It might include inhouse training, reviewing your PMA or lease, reviewing your financials, or help setting up a maintenance company, lease purchase program, or a rent recovery business and even help you turn on other revenue streams. Click to learn more about Consulting.
5. The Motherload. An increasing number of clients have asked how to get everything on the site at once instead of downloading it piecemeal. Now we are able to provide all the documents, handbooks, forms, revenue streams, checklists, manuals and libraries of training videos (everything you need to be successful as a property manager) for a fraction of the cost you would expect. We are taking all the proven documents, strategies and tools that we’ve developed at Crown Realty and Management over 35 years (that made us so attractive to a fortune 500 company) and offer them to you at a bulk price (and easy payments). We don’t want a percentage of your income for the next 20 years as a franchise would (or require you to rebrand your company) and we don’t lock you into outside service providers. You can have EVERYTHING WE HAVE, AND EVERYTHING WE ADD TO THE SITE OVER THE NEXT FIVE YEARS for a fraction of a property management franchise. View More Here
We’ve tried to price things to generate the response, “this is a no brainer!” So try us, and give us an opportunity to help protect you from the hazards of property management and generate more money in your business.
6. Revenue Sharing is for managers who want to increase their revenue without having to pay for an idea up-front. We might feel an idea is worth $10,000 but you might be hesitant to write a check for that. When that happens, we’ll partner with you, introduce the idea, help you implement it and share in the revenue it generates for a while. This way if it doesn’t work in your system, it costs you nothing. Click to learn more about Revenue Sharing.
7. Coaching Program Become part of our Property Management Coaching program that will give you access to our staff for crisis issues, schedule phone time monthly with Robert, special downloads and subscriber status so you can get special access and discounts on our site. The scheduled phone conversations will be driven by YOUR AGENDA not ours. Complete the contact form on the right to initiate a conversation about the best property management coaching program in the country. Click to view.
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Jayson Yoss, President GoldenWest,
Las Vegas-Phoenix-San Diego
With almost 1400 units under management we completely embraced Robert's unbundling strategy (in his PMA agreement) and IT CHANGED EVERYTHING. My staff has estimated that we will collect an ADDITIONAL $650,000 in gross revenue this year from the ideas he shared . . . just in his PMA. We call it PURE ROBERT LOCKE CASH! The revenue started flowing in almost immediately.

Matt Manaker, Charleston Home Rentals LLC, Charleston SC.
When we started with our consulting arrangement with Robert we didn't quite know where it would go. Right off the block he introduced us to just ONE new revenue stream that will generate at least another $400,000 in the next five years. So, why didn't I do this earlier?