Onboarding Module # 2


These documents address the pain points (things the owner worries and frets about). Explaining how you do certain tasks calms their nerves and solidifies what the PMA tells them. Items a through d below expands your Scope of Service which the others (e through l) describe how you handle other tasks. Send these out in a drip campaign during the first 90 days after the first move in and to ALL owners the first 90 days of every year. You’ll quite owner’s fears of the unknown (pain points) and protect yourself when they claim “you never disclosed that to them.”

Included Documents: New Owner Prospect Tracking, Summary of Leasing and Management Services working copy and sample (the new owner presentation), Documents for your drip campaign after you’ve leased the property, Things You Can’t Turn Over to Your Property Manager, Managing the Owner’s Third-Party Relationships – Newsletter and Training, Asset Manager vs Property Manager, The Property Manager’s Job Description, How We Handle Maintenance, How We Manage Emergency Maintenance, How We Handle Rent Collection and Evictions, How We Qualify Applicants, How We Handle Renewals, How We Handle Lease Defaults, How We Manage Move Outs, How We Manage the Separation


Module #2

1. New Owner Prospect Tracking (questions and checklist for the first call)

2. Summary of Leasing and Management Services working copy and sample (the new owner presentation)

3. Documents for your drip campaign after you’ve leased the property

Once the property is first lease you should send the owner a series of Process Documents that explain in more detail what you said/meant in the PMA. Remember to keep the PMA short and add content with these documents. The first four are an expanded Scope of Service intended to continue to shape their expectations for services and fees.

The PMA tells the owner what you do but not how you do it. These documents address the pain points (things the owner worries and frets about). Explaining how you do certain tasks calms their nerves and solidifies what the PMA tells them. Items a through d below expands your Scope of Service which the others (e through l) describe how you handle other tasks. Send these out in a drip campaign during the first 90 days after the first move in and to ALL owners the first 90 days of every year. You’ll quite owner’s fears of the unknown (pain points) and protect yourself when they claim “you never disclosed that to them.”

a. Things You Can’t Turn Over to Your Property Manager

b. Managing the Owner’s Third-Party Relationships - Newsletter and Training

c. Asset Manager vs Property Manager

d. The Property Manager’s Job Description

Next are a series of topics that address the owner’s pain points (ie. what they wring their hands over and need more information on). The topics are based on what we heard owners fuss about during the first year managing their property. It’s about “setting expectations” and gives you a chance (after they’ve signed up) to give them more details about how you manage the property. It is likely they won’t read your handbook but they will read these.

e. How We Handle Maintenance

f. How We Manage Emergency Maintenance

g. How We Handle Rent Collection and Evictions

h. How We Qualify Applicants

i. How We Handle Renewals

j. How We Handle Lease Defaults

k. How We Manage Move Outs

l. How We Manage the Separation

View our Onboarding video #10 to see how these documents fit into the process.

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