
Onboarding New Owners

Original price was: $157.00.Current price is: $115.00.

For most property managers the onboarding process is haphazard, by the seat-of-the-pants and thrown together without much forethought. New managers (and veterans alike) have so many things to figure out that a great onboarding process gets pushed to the back of the to-do list to “someday we’ll figure it out” and, in the meantime, they miss out on lots of new owners. This onboarding process needs to be a high priority because we all lose owners every month and need to grow our numbers. The question is, “what does a great onboarding process look like and how can I get there quickly?” One of the things we did really well at Crown was bring new owners onboard. During our last 8 years in business we signed up 16 to 25 new owners a month and had a well oiled process to make this happen. We’ve put together a complete package of onboarding documents, processes and training (plus a full library of training videos) to help managers build this all important segment of their business.


An expansion of a presentation made at the PM Grow Summit 2019

For most property managers the onboarding process is haphazard, by the seat-of-the-pants and thrown together without much forethought. New managers (and veterans alike) have so many things to figure out that a great onboarding process gets pushed to the back of the to-do list to “someday we’ll figure it out” and, in the meantime, they miss out on lots of new owners. This onboarding process needs to be a high priority because we all lose owners every month and need to grow our numbers. The question is, “what does a great onboarding process look like and how can I get there quickly?”

One of the things we did really well at Crown was bring new owners onboard. During our last 8 years in business we signed up 16 to 25 new owners a month and had a well oiled process to make this happen. We’ve put together a complete package of onboarding documents, processes and training (plus a full library of training videos) to help managers build this all important segment of their business. This video series is part of that package.

Onboarding Videos 01 Two Onboarding Realities

Onboarding Videos 03 Communicate that you can guide them to success

Onboarding Videos 05 Research the Owner

Onboarding Video 07 Close on the PMA then get to Housekeeping documents

Onboarding Video 09 Lease the Property and report to the owner

Onboarding Videos 02 Onboarding Starts with the first call and ends 90 days after move in

Onboarding Videos 04 Stop answering the question what are your fees

Onboarding Video 06 Rules for the Presentation

Onboarding Video 08 Guarantees people always love guarantees

Onboarding Video 10 Drip Documents reminding of things the owner can not turn over to the manager

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