Online Courses for Property Managers 

The most efficient way to deliver good training is to do it online. For over a decode we have been NARPM approved in Georgia for delivering CE credit. We’re set up pretty well to do this with an inhouse studio with professional lighting, 50’ TV, teleprompter, green screen and post production facilities in place to produce good quality videos. We also secured university online software to deliver the classes in the most professional format.

We lay them out on this page under titles and descriptions of content. Some are classes with lessons while others are a series of topic-specific training videos. Videos are 10 to 20 minutes in duration and some come with document downloads, powerpoint slides and study guides.


These Classes and Lessons are on demand

Video Series

These Video Series are delivered every week via email

Build YOUR Custom Management Agreement Class 1

Having a customized management agreement is the key to being scalable and profitable. You’ll never get there using a one-size-fits-all document drafted by someone else. And even though we sell the most celebrated management agreement in the marketplace, it was drafted for us, not you.

It's time for you to put your company and profits on the path to success with your own customized management agreement. How?

Our strategy is to provide you with a format to CREATE YOUR OWN AGREEMENT using ours as a starting point and YOUR PERSONAL MODEL for the customization. We’ll work hand-in-hand with you to adapt our agreement to your model. We’ll make it really easy, help you through decisions and you’ll end up with a killer agreement, highly profitable, saying exactly what you want it to say, and fitting your model exactly the way your model works. It will make your life so much easier and you’ll regret forever that you didn’t make the shift earlier. (We’ve posted many happy users/customers testimonies on this page who have adopted our forms.)

In this online course we lay out the principles you need to understand when making changes to our documents. It is a step by step path which lays out all the issues that matter when crafting this all important document.

We have a paid version of this training series with 58 specific videos on each paragraph of the Property Management Agreement. Click to view.

Click to view the details of this course . . .

What’s Wrong with Standard Form Management Agreements

For the first 10 years of our management business we adopted our state association standardized forms. After 10 years of trying to fit our model into their model we gave up and with the help of a great lawyer developed customized agreements that matched perfectly how we wanted to manage. This conversation IS NOT a condemnation of standard forms because there are times you need them. Instead, it’s an intelligent analysis of their shortcomings and how they can constrict your business, make property management harder and less profitable.

This conversation applies to both the management agreement and the lease, but we will focus most of the conversation on the management agreement. These are 30,000 foot level principles to help shape your thinking about property management agreements. They are intended to lay a good foundation for your considering whether or not you should move from standardized forms to customized forms.

Click to view the details of this course . . .

Body Armor Series

Body Armor Series for Property Managers

Robert and Monica outline the strategies to operate safely in the highly litigious business of property management. This fast pace workshop was debuted at the Broker/Owner conference in Vegas in 2019 and got raving reviews.

Click to view the details of this course . . .

Built to Grow

Built to Grow scale your property management company

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. So, how do you build systems today to grow twice in size without growing pains?

Click to view the details of this course . . .

Things You Never Put in Management Agreements

Things You Never Put in Your Agreements Training Property Managers Online Class

This series of videos will open your eyes to all the crazy things most lawyers and state associations add to their management agreements that defeat scalability and profitability. You’ll be amazed at the material and it will make you more interested in developing your own customized agreement.

Click to view the details of this course . . .

Myth Series

Dismantling the Myths of Property Management by Training Property Managers Robert Locke Crown

There are lots of things property managers THINK ARE TRUE, but when examined carefully, are really MYTHS. We send via email a weekly training video which Dismantles The Myths Of Property Management.

Click to view the details of this course . . .

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